Thursday, April 16, 2015

Home Remodeling

A beautiful remodeled bathroom. A simple color scheme of white/grey that is good for moth the male and females in the home. Simple and cheap fixtures that come together well if you ask me. This is so much better than what it looked like before and the remodel really didn't cost too much. You can save a lot of money doing remodels yourself and pinterest is a great place to get ideas!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Baby Blue Laundy Room

Cute, Comfortable, And Budget Friendly

Easy And Simple

This is a setup for complete convenience in the laundry room, while also getting a little additional storage out of one of the most underused rooms in most houses. Shelving across the tops of the washer and dryer provide a large surface area great for folding. Shelves on the walls with a step stool to access them really utilizes space that is often untouched. The light colored walls really help to reflect the natural sunlight that enters the room. And of course with the counter tops, why not slide storage containers underneath, what good is a counter top that you can't put something under, right? This is an excellent setup that many families would gain from, both small and large families alike. Maximizing usage of space in a small area can be challenging at times. Always remember, K.I.S.S. Keep it simple, stupid!